Continuous monitoring
Keep track of 100+ servers and inspect their packages for known vulnerabilities, listed in public CVEs.
Available now
Quick resolution
Patch affected hosts, or involve stakeholders on plan-of-action for vulnerabilities without patches.
Coming soon
Effortless reporting
Managers, business partners and auditors can all follow your security track-record, no extra work required.
Coming soon
Why Tactycal
At 3fs we innovate digital products and ways-of-working, often for some of the world's largest companies. If you are reading this, chances are you share a similar job description.
Scale of such operations comes with its own set of challenges, especially in the realm of security. You know the pains: dozens of hosts, numerous CVEs to follow, …
Well, one day we had enough and asked ourselves: provisioning a host has become so easy, why does securing it have to be so hard? As it turns out, it doesn’t.
We believe we’re off to a good start with Tactycal, already using it on dozens of our hosts. It will soon be available to anyone; if you sign up as our tester, you can have it right away.